Finding the Right Game Master

It’s no secret that Escape Room staff are essential to the success of an Escape Room business. The right (or wrong) Game Master can make or break the customer’s overall experience. Ideally, your team should be able to deliver an exciting and captivating experience while remaining friendly, engaging and detail oriented. We’ve put together a few tips to help you find the perfect Game Master.

  1. Ask your staff to recommend someone. They already understand the scope of the job and will be likely to recommend someone that not only fits the bill but fits in with your current team.

  2. Look for event planners. The skills needed to be an event planner are right in line with the skills needed to be a Game Master - personable, detail oriented and great problem solving skills. Bonus, they’ll be great at helping when you take your Escape Room games mobile and do large scale events on location.

  3. Ask your current customers. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool, especially from people who already love what you’re doing - your current customers.

  4. Post on your social media accounts - again - the people following your accounts likely love what you’re doing and are likely to either be or know the person that fits the escape room niche.

  5. Keep your ears out for the right person, even when you don’t need to hire someone. The right person is hard to find and you don’t want to kick yourself later when you do need someone.

Finding the right Game Master is tough. We would suggest on erring towards a friendly, outgoing person as opposed to a quiet puzzle lover. The customers need someone fluent in hospitality to make the experience flow as best as possible.


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