How do I start my Escape Room business?

How do I start my Escape Room business?

Start somewhere. Start anywhere. Start making momentum. Make a business plan, (here is a great resource) Start a Facebook or Instagram page. Think but don’t over think.

Starting a social media page or writing a business plan forces you to answer some basic questions about your new venture, like your name, your hours, the look and feel of your brand to name a couple.

Just start. It feels good to gain some sort of momentum, “a rolling stone gathers no moss.”

I wrote a business plan & started a social media accounts, now what?

Hopefully those two projects allowed you to see some next steps but also helped you to feel empowered that you started something!

Next determine your minimum viable product (that will make you money). When I started, I thought I needed to open my doors with 3 rooms because that’s what most other ERs had but I couldn’t afford to do that. Instead, I opened my doors with my MVP, one tiny escape room and a hallway that served as a waiting room (hallway picture above). Maybe your MVP is a mobile game that you take to restaurants like The Last Bottle Escape Dinner. Maybe it’s a game you take to schools and set up for end of the year school parties. Maybe its a scavenger hunt for your local area. Find the thing and start planning and designing it.


Finding the Right Game Master